Melkumian's Interview to Mediamax
sity of implementing confidence-building measures and establishment of economic and social contacts between the peoples of Nagorno Karabagh and Azerbaijan as a way of easing the atmosphere of distrust in the region.
Victims of 1988 Tragedy Remembered
Stepanakert, December 7. Representatives of the government and the private sector of Nagorno Karabagh visited the memorial complex in Stepanakert paying tribute to the victims of the disastrous earthquake that struck Armenia this day back in 1988. More than twenty thousand people died in the earthquake, which destroyed Armenian cities of Spitak and Gyumri.
Director of the Russian CIS Institute Konstantin Zatulin Visited Nagorno Karabagh
Stepanakert, December 20. President Ghoukasian received the Director of the Russian Institute for the CIS States Konstantin Zatulin. They discussed the current stage of Nagorno Karabagh conflict peace talks. Ghoukasian briefed Zatulin on the economic and social situation in Nagorno Karabagh. During the appearance before the local mass media later in the day,
Zatulin said that his visit to Nagorno Karabagh convinced him that the people of Nagorno Karabagh would never exchange their independence for an illusory idea of unification with Azerbaijan. "The military solution of the conflict is unacceptable. Stability in the zone of the Karabagh conflict is in the strategic interests of Russia," Zatulin said.
Defense Ministry's Social Security Department Reviews Programs
Stepanakert, December 13. A spokesman for the Defense Ministry's Social Security Department announced that $5,500 was distributed this year to the disabled war veterans. Thirty-five families were given construction materials and four disabled veterans received automobiles. Two hundred sixty-four patients, majority of whom were war veterans and their family members, were treated at the Defense Army's hospitals.
10th Anniversary of Independence Referendum
On December 10, 1991 the population of the Nagorno Karabagh Autonomous Oblast overwhelmingly voted for independence thus confirming the "Declaration of the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh" jointly adopted by the Regional Legislative Councils of Nagorno Kara
bagh and Armenian-populated Shahumian district of Azerbaijan on September 2, 1991. The Azeri minority of Nagorno Karabagh was given a chance to express their opinion and all necessary voting documents and ballots were sent to the Azeri-populated areas of Nagorno
Karabagh. However, the Azeri population chose not to participate. The referendum took place in full compliance with then active Soviet legislation.
President Ghoukasian Meets with Local Entrepreneurs
Diaspora Contributes Shushi Reconstruction
Stepanakert, December 24. President Arkady Ghoukasian met with the representatives of the Entrepreneurs' Union of Nagorno Karabagh and discussed reforms to the tax system and creation of favorable conditions for small and medium-size businesses. Prime Minister Anoushavan Danielian and the Chief of the State Tax Department Hakob Kagramanian participated in the meeting.
Shushi, December 12. President Ghoukasian visited Shushi to observe its reconstruction. Reconstruction of schools, hospitals and cultural centers is given the first priority. A French organization Order of St. Lazarus has offered
to construct a hospital in the town, for which fund-raising events would be organized in January, 2002. The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) began its $140,000 project to construct a school campus for 100
students. The Land and Culture Organization (LCO) intends to open a boarding school for orphans where 50 students would live and study.
Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America Visit Nagorno Karabagh Republic
Stepanakert, December 26. President Arkady Ghoukasian received the President of the Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America (AESA) Varaz Shahmirian, Vice President of the same organization Levon Thorose and a
representative of Hayrenik organization Aleksan Tamanian. Shahmirian briefed Ghoukasian on the activity of his organization and expressed readiness to assist in implementing both humanitarian and business programs in Na
gorno Karabagh. The parties also discussed AESA and Hayrenik programs underway in Nagorno Karabagh.