Economic Integration of the South Caucasus
Position Paper June 2002
The FY 1998 House Conference report calls for "restoring
transportation, telecommunications, and other infrastructure that promote
regional and economic integration" in the South Caucasus. The government
of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) shares the vision of the U.S.
Congress, and is committed to participating in joint infrastructure
development projects that promote prosperity for all the peoples of
the region. Moreover, we believe that economic cooperation between the
NKR and Azerbaijan can serve as an effective confidence building measure,
helping to create interdependence and bringing lasting peace to the
Unfortunately, Azerbaijan disagrees with the U.S.
Congress and Turkey unequivocally supports Azerbaijan. By continuing
their illegal dual blockade of Armenia and the NKR, now in its twelfth
year, they deny the region a chance for peaceful, stable co-existence.
Moreover, Turkey and Azerbaijan are attempting to exclude Armenia and
Nagorno Karabakh from regional infrastructure and communication projects.
The obvious intent is to isolate and weaken Armenia and the NKR.
This position is most apparent in the Baku-Ceyhan
pipeline project. Azerbaijan insisted on bypassing the cost effective
NKR and Armenia route in favor of the commercially more expensive and
longer Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan route. This politically driven route selection
has the potential of fostering greater regional instability and dividing
the nations of the region into polarized east-west and north-south rivals.
The government of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic believes
that well-designed economic integration of the South Caucasus will lead
to peace and economic viability for all countries of the region. We
are optimistic that the precedent of peace and cooperation such as that
established in Europe following the World War II, can be applied to
the parties of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict with similar results.
Natural resources and traditional transportation routes
in the Caucasus should be harnessed to promote peace. An economically
integrated South Caucasus will bring stability and economic
prosperity for all the people in the region. Economic
cooperation between the NKR and Azerbaijan, an excellent confidence
building measure, can also promote the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict. The government of the NKR welcomes initiatives within the
U.S. Congress to urge and encourage Azerbaijan to build economic ties
with the NKR rather than excluding the NKR and Armenia from regional
development and integration projects.