Chronology of Key Events
February 1988-June 2003
| 1989 | 1990
| 1991 | 1992
| 1993 | 1994
| 1995 | 1996
| 1997 | 1998
| 1999
2000 | 2001
| 2002 | 2003
February 13
The first demonstration took place in Stepanakert, the center of the
Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO), demanding the re-unification
of NKAO with the Armenian SSR.
February 20
The extraordinary session of the NKAO Soviet of People's Deputies passed
the resolution "On Petitioning the Supreme Soviets of the Azerbaijan
SSR and Armenian SSR for NKAO's Transmission from the Azerbaijan SSR
Structure to the one of the Armenian SSR."
February 23
The Bureau of the Nagorno Karabakh District Committee of the Communist
Party elected Henrikh Poghossian the First Secretary of the Party District
Committee, releasing Boris Kevorkov from this position.
February 26
One million people rallied in Yerevan in support of NKAO's re-unification
with the Armenian SSR.
February 27-29
Mass pogroms and killings of Armenian citizens in the Azerbaijani town
of Sumgait took place.
March 1
With the aim of leading the national-liberation movement of Karabakh
Armenians, a public-political organization "Krunk" was founded
in the NKAO capital, headed Arkady Manucharov.
March 17
The plenary session of the Nagorno Karabakh District Committee of the
Communist Party approved the resolution from the session of the NKAO
Council of People's Deputies on NKAO's secession to the Armenian SSR.
March 24
The Central Committee of the USSR Communist Party and the USSR Council
of Ministers adopted the resolution "On the Measures on Intensification
of the Social-Economic Development of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous
Oblast of the Azerbaijani SSR in 1988-1995." This resolution ignored
the constitutional demand of the Karabakh Armenians, transforming a
political problem into an economic issue.
June 1
The Nagorno Karabakh District Television Station was established.
June 15
The Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR gave its consent for NKAO's inclusion
into the Armenian SSR, on the basis of Article 70 of the USSR Constitution.
July 18
The Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet discusses the Nagorno Karabakh
problem. First Secretary of the Nagorno Karabakh District Committee
of the Communist Party, Henrikh Poghossian, emphasizes the impossibility
of NKAO's remaining within the Azerbaijani SSR. USSR Central Television
broadcast the sessions.
July 27
First Secretaries of the Azerbaijan SSR and Armenian SSR Communist Parties'
Central Committees, A.Vezirov and S.Haroutiunian, visit NKAO by invitation
from Moscow's representative in Stepanakert, A.Volsky.
September 21
Moscow announces the introduction of martial law in NKAO.
December 24
Famous human rights advocate, Academician Andrey Sakharov, visits Stepanakert.
January 12
Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet established the NKAO Special Administration
Committee (SAC), headed by A. Volsky. Thus, NKAO was removed from the
administrative submission of Azerbaijan. Simultaneously, the activities
of the District Committee of the Communist Party and the District Soviet
of People's Deputies were suspended, with the subordination of personnel
to the Special Administration Committee.
March 25
During the elections of the USSR People's Deputies, Henrikh Poghossian,
Zory Balayan, Boris Dadamian, Vachagan Grigorian, Vahan Gabriyelian,
Arkady Volsky and Vagif Jafarov are elected USSR People's Deputies from
August 16
Congress of the plenipotentiaries of Nagorno Karabakh takes place, during
which the NKAO National Soviet was created under the guidance of Vachagan
Azerbaijan starts the economic blockade of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
October 1
After more than 60-years of church services resume at St. Hovhannes
the Christener Church of the Gandzasar Cloister (XIII century) in NKAO.
Bishop Pargev Martirossian, the leader of the Artsakh Diocese of the
Armenian Apostolic Church, conducts it.
November 28
Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet dissolves the NKAO Special Administration
Committee and establishes the Republican Organizational Committee of
NKAO, appointing Second Secretary of the Azerbaijani Communist Party,
V.Polyanichko as its head. With this act, Moscow attempts to return
NKAO to Azerbaijan. However, the Karabakh Armenians rejected this resolution.
December 1
The joint session of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR and the
National Soviet of NKAO unanimously adopt a resolution on re-unification
of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
January 13-20
Armenian pogroms begin in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. /Link to:
January 15
The Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet introduces a state of emergency
in Nagorno Karabakh and some regions of Azerbaijan and Armenia.
January 14
The Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR passes a resolution unifying
the Armenian-populated Shahoumian region with the Kasum-Ismailov region
of Azerbaijan, creating the new, Geranboy region.
January - June
Azerbaijan, supported by the USSR Internal Forces, carries out deportations
of Armenians in twenty-four Karabakh villages. These deportations become
known as the "Koltso /Ring/ Operation."
July 16
The delegation of the First International Congress in headed by Vice-Speaker
of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, Baroness Caroline Cox,
visits NKAO. Baroness Cox, who later visits Karabakh more than fifty
times, continues to actively support the right of the Karabakh Armenians
for self-determination.
August 30
The Azerbaijan Parliament passes a declaration on the restoration of
Azerbaijan's national independence of 1918-1920.
September 2
The joint session of the Nagorno Karabakh District and Shahoumian Region
Soviets of People's Deputies, with the participation of Deputies of
Soviets of all levels, adopts the Declaration on Proclamation of the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR). Leonard Petrossian is elected Chairman
of the NKR Executive Committee.
September 22
Russian and Kazakhstani Presidents Boris Yeltsin and Nursultan Nazarbayev
visit Stepanakert with a peacemaking mission.
September 23
With guidance from the mediation mission of the Presidents of Russia
and Kazakhstan, a meeting of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh,
and Armenia is held in Zheleznovodsk. A joint Communiqué is adopted.
September 25
Stepanakert is for the first time bombarded with artillery from nearby
Azerbaijani areas. Such incursions later become regular and are viewed
as a declaration of war by Azerbaijan.
November 26
The Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan Republic passed a resolution abolishing
the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast.
December 10
A referendum on the independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic takes
place. As a result, 99.89% of those who vote do so for NKR independence.
December 28
Elections to the first parliament - the NKR Supreme Soviet - are held.
The newly established parliament consists of seventy-five elected representatives.
December 30
The leaders of the Commonwealth of Independents States (CIS) member
states address Azerbaijan and Armenia with an appeal for the resumption
of negotiations on the Karabakh conflict.
January 6
The NKR Supreme Council adopts a declaration on the national independence
of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
January 8
Arthur Mkrtchian is elected the first Chairman of the NKR Supreme Council.
Oleg Yessayan is appointed Chairman of the NKR Council of Ministers.
January 26
The first serious defeat of the regular Azerbaijani Army happens near
the Armenian village of Karin-Tak in the Shoushi region. This victory
becomes a moral booster for further successful military operations by
the Karabakh volunteer troops against the enemy.
January 30-31
The Prague meeting of the CSCE Council of Foreign Ministers is held.
Due to the admission of Azerbaijan and Armenia to the CSCE, it is decided
to send a representative from the organization to the region.
February 19
The Presidium of the NKR Supreme Council issues an address to the UN
Secretary General and permanent member-states of the UN Security Council,
condemning the military aggression of Azerbaijan against NKR, and the
use of "BM-21/Grad" missile-artillery attacks on Stepanakert
and other areas of NKR.
February 28
The 7th session of the CSCE Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) is organized.
The session participants addressed the leaderships of Russia and Kazakhstan
with a request to continue efforts towards achieving a cease-fire and
promoting the negotiation process. The CSCE appeals to Azerbaijan to
lift the blockade on Nagorno Karabakh.
March 13
A resolution calling for a special meeting of the CSCE Council on Nagorno
Karabakh is passed at the 8th session of the CSCE Committee of Senior
March 16
The Trilateral Teheran Communiqué (Iran, Armenia, and Azerbaijan),
envisaging a one-week cease-fire in the conflict zone, is adopted.
March 20
The CIS Summit in Kiev is held. An agreement on the creation of monitoring
groups and collective peacekeeping forces in the CIS is agreed upon.
The situation in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone is discussed.
March 20
Former Secretary of State, Syrus Wens, and CSCE Executive Commissioner,
Janosh Kubich of Hungary visit Stepanakert.
March 21
French Minister on Social and Humanitarian Assistance, Bernard Koushchner,
visits Stepanakert with the aim of opening a humanitarian corridor to
March 24
A resolution at The Helsinki meeting of the CSCE Council calls for a
special conference on the issue of Nagorno Karabakh in which the "the
elected and other representatives of Nagorno Karabakh" were expected
to attend.
March 26
NKR Council of Ministers establishes a Self-Defense Committee under
the NKR Government.
March 31
Representatives of the Russian MFA visit Stepanakert.
April 1
A meeting of the CSCE Chairman-in-Office, Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia,
and the NKR leadership is scheduled in Stepanakert.
April 1
Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister visits Stepanakert.
April 3
Presidium of the NKR Supreme Soviet endorses the staff of the NKR Defense
Council headed by Chairman of the Supreme Council, Arthur Mkrtchian.
April 7
Mario Rafaelli of Italy is appointed Chairman of the CSCE Minsk Conference
on Nagorno Karabakh.
April 10
RF Foreign Minister, A.Kozyrev, visits NKR.
April 13
The CSCE Mission headed by the Personal Representative of the CSCE Chairman-in-Office
visit the conflict zone.
April 14
NKR Supreme Soviet Chairman tragically and unexpectedly dies. Deputy
Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Georgy Petrossian is appointed as acting
Chairman of the Supreme Council.
April 14
Russian Foreign Minister sends a letter to the UN Secretary General
on scenarios for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.
April 20
The NKR Representation Office is established in the Republic of Armenia.
May 1
A resolution on the procedural principles adopted at the Minsk Conference
and the establishment of a mission for monitoring a cease-fire was adopted
at the 10th session of the CSCE Committee.
May 5
Russia declares the creation of a Mediation Mission on the Karabakh
settlement and expresses a willingness to promote the negotiation process
under its aegis.
May 8
A meeting of the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan is held in Teheran
under the mediation of Iran. A joint Communiqué is reached.
May 9
The NKR Self-Defense Forces liberate the town of Shoushi. Commander
of the NKR Self-Defense Forces, Arkady Ter-Tadevosian, leads the military
May 18
The NKR Self-Defense Forces conducts a successful operation opening
a humanitarian corridor through Lachin, finally connecting NKR with
the outside.
May 18-19
The 11th session of the CSCE Committee of Senior Officials is held.
A resolution on conducting a preparatory meeting of the member-states
of the Minsk Conference on Nagorno Karabakh under the CSCE auspices
is passed.
June 1-6
The preparatory meeting of the member-states of the CSCE Minsk Conference
on Nagorno Karabakh is held in Rome. Later, these states form the CSCE
Minsk Group.
June 2-4
The NKR Supreme Soviet session adopts a resolution approving the NKR
State Flag. The NKR Supreme Soviet confirms the appointment of Georgy
Petrossian as the Acting Chairman of the NKR Supreme Council.
June 12
The Azerbaijani forces begin large-scale offensives resulting in occupation
of the Shahoumian region, the northern part of the Martakert region,
and the eastern part of the Askeran region.
July 21-27
The Russian Mediation Mission visits Baku, Nakhichevan, Stepanakert,
and Yerevan.
July 26
RF MFA Special Envoy, V.Kazimirov, visits Stepanakert and presents an
"Approximate Schedule of Measures on Suspending the Military Activities,"
to the NKR leadership.
July 31-August 5
The official delegation of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic participates
in the 4th round of CSCE Minsk Group meetings for the first time.
August 11
The U.S. Congress passes a resolution condemning Azerbaijani aggression
against Nagorno Karabakh and prohibiting the U.S. Administration from
providing governmental assistance to Azerbaijan until the blockade on
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh is lifted.
August 14-15
Chairman of the NKR Council of Ministers Oleg Yessayan resigns. Presidium
of the NKR Supreme Council creates the NKR State Defense Committee headed
by Robert Kocharian.
August 24-26
CSCE Minsk Group Chairman Rafaelli travels to Baku, Yerevan, and Stepanakert.
September 15
Confidential meetings of the official representatives to Azerbaijan
and Nagorno Karabakh are held in Moscow.
September 19
The Sochi Agreement is signed by the defense authorities of Azerbaijan,
Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia, calling for the cessation of all military
activities for two-months.
September 25
A military-technical protocol on the implementation of the Sochi Agreement
is signed in Moscow.
October 13
The Nagorno Karabakh (now Artsakh) State University is established,
with support from the former Stepanakert State Pedagogical Institute,
local branches of the Armenian State Polytechnics University, and the
Vanadzor Pedagogical Institute (Armenia).
December 4-15
Acting Chairman of the NKR Supreme Soviet, Georgy Petrossian, visits
the USA on an invitation from the Armenian National Committee of America
(ANCA). Petrossian holds meetings with representatives of the U.S. State
Department, Senate, and media, as well as with the local Armenian community.
December 11-14
A session of the CSCE Minsk Group member-states occurs in Stockholm.
A document on the cessation of the military operations was submitted
to the conflicting parties for consideration. The Azerbaijani party,
supported by one of the CSCE Minsk Group members, Turkey, rejects the
January 5-8
A meeting between the personal representatives of the Presidents of
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, the United States, Turkey, and the Chairman
of the CSCE Minsk Group, is set up in Moscow in the diplomatic "5+1"
format. Participants of the meeting approve a "calendar settlement".
The NKR leadership rejects Turkey's mediation in light of this country's
provision of military and economic assistance to Azerbaijan.
January 18-24
CSCE Minsk Conference Chairman Rafaelli visits Baku, Yerevan, and Stepanakert.
January 26
The NKR Supreme Soviet adopts a resolution on NKR joining the Geneva
Conventions of 1949 and the Additional Protocols of 1977.
January 28
The European Parliament passes a resolution declaring the blockade of
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh by Azerbaijan as a brutal violation of
human rights.
February 5
The NKR Representation Office opens in Moscow.
February 22 - March 1
The CSCE Minsk Group meets in Rome. A draft mandate of the leading group
of observers is approved.
March 17-April 6
A meeting in the "5+1" format of is held in Geneva. Azerbaijan
unilaterally refuses to take part in negotiations in this format.
April 8
The President of the Russian Federation introduces a new initiative
on settling the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in his messages to the Presidents
of Azerbaijan and Armenia.
April 9-16
Confidential consultations with representatives from Azerbaijan, Nagorno
Karabakh and Armenia occur in Moscow.
April 29-30
The personal representative of the Russian Federation's President and
special representatives from the USA and Turkey meet in Moscow. On the
basis of the RF President's initiative of April 8, 1993 the "Urgent
Measures Schedule" calling for the cessation of military operations
for sixty days is proposed.
April 30
The UN Security Council passes Resolution 822, calls for the immediate
cessation of all military and hostile activities, provision of access
to the region for all international organizations, resumption of negotiations,
and deployment of CSCE peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone.
May 13-14
Consultations between Russian mediators and representative leaders from
Armenia and NKR, David Shakhnazarian and Arkady Ghoukassian, begin in
June 3-4
The "Urgent Measures Schedule," on the implementation of the
UN SC Resolution 822 is approved and proposed to the conflicting parties.
June 14
Acting Chairman of the NKR Supreme Council, Georgy Petrossian, resigns.
Presidium of the NKR Supreme Council appoints Karen Baburian as acting
Chairman of the NKR Parliament.
June 17
An agreement on bilateral cessation of artillery bombardments of Agdam
and Stepanakert is achieved between NKR and Azerbaijan with the help
of Russia's mediation.
June 27
An agreement on a one-week cessation of offensive military operations,
missile, and artillery bombardments in the Martakert and Agdam regions
is achieved between NKR and Azerbaijan, again with the help of Russia.
June 28 - July 4
The Russian Mediation Mission visits Baku, Yerevan, and Stepanakert.
Russian Foreign Minister Kozyrev addresses the clashing parties with
a proposal to prolong the terms of the June 27 agreement, and to extend
the suspension of military activities over other zones of armed conflict.
July 1
CSCE Minsk Conference Chairman Rafaelli visits the region proposing
the schedule approved at the CSCE Minsk Group meeting in Rome on 3-4
June 1993 to the conflicting parties.
July 14-19
The NKR Supreme Soviet delegation headed by Deputy Chairman of the Parliament,
Georgy Petrossian, visits Sofia and participates in sessions of the
Assembly and General Council of Parliamentarians of the Transnational
Radical Party.
July 23
The NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs is established. Advisor to the Chairman
of the NKR State Defense Committee on foreign relations, Arkady Ghoukassian,
is appointed NKR Foreign Minister.
July 24
An agreement on the termination of offensive operations and bombardments
for a three-day term, beginning on 25 July 1993, is achieved under Russian
July 28
A meeting of governmental delegations from NKR and Azerbaijan occurs
on the front line in the Martakert region. An agreement on the prolongation
of the cease-fire for and additional seven days more is reached.
July 29
The UN SC passes Resolution 853 on Nagorno Karabakh.
August 10-12
The "Urgent Measures Schedule on the Implementation of the UN SC
Resolutions 822 and 853" are discussed in a meeting of the CSCE
Minsk Group in Rome.
August 20
A meeting of Russia's Foreign Minister Kozyrev with NKR State Defense
Committee Chairman, Robert Kocharian, is held in Moscow.
August 25
NKR Representatives for France, the European Union, and the Council
of Europe are appointed.
August 31
A new 10-day cease-fire agreement is realize through Russia's mediation.
September 9
The Russian President sends messages to the leaders of Azerbaijan, Nagorno
Karabakh and Armenia, proposing an agreement on comprehensive termination
of military activities.
September 9-11
A meeting of the CSCE Minsk Group takes place in Moscow with the aim
of revising the "Urgent Measures Schedule." The CSCE Minsk
Group recognizes Nagorno Karabakh as an independent party to the conflict.
September 12-13
Negotiations in Moscow between the Deputy Parliament Chairman Jalilov
and NKR Foreign Minister Ghoukassian lead to the adoption of a joint
Communiqué. An agreement on the prolongation of the cease-fire
term until October 5 and on a meeting of the top officials of Azerbaijan
and NKR is achieved.
September 22-28
Negotiations between Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia, under
the aegis of the CSCE Minsk Group, convene in Paris. The "Urgent
Measures Schedule" on the implementation of the UN SC Resolutions
822 and 853 is talked about.
September 23
NKR State Defense Committee Chairman Robert Kocharian sends a message
to the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin.
September 25
A meeting of leaders from Azerbaijan and NKR is held in Moscow. RF Foreign
Minister A.Kozyrev also meets with H.Aliyev, R.Kocharian and the President
of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrossian.
September 25
A meeting of the Deputy Heads of Governments of NKR and Azerbaijan occurs
on the front-line of the armed forces of both republics in the Aghdam
October 6
An agreement on the prolongation of the cease-fire regime until November
5 is achieved under Russian guidance.
October 6-15
The personal representative to the CSCE Chairman-in-Office visits Stepanakert.
October 13-23
NKR State Defense Committee Chairman, Robert Kocharian, visits France
and Belgium. Kocharian makes a speech at the International Diplomatic
Academy in Paris. He also holds meetings at the NATO headquarters in
Brussels, and with representatives of the Armenian communities of these
October 14
The UN SC passes Resolution 874, urging the implementation of the "Urgent
Measures Schedule" by the conflicting parties and finally confirming
Nagorno Karabakh's status as a conflicting party.
November 2-8
The final version of the "Urgent Measures Schedule" is presented
to the conflicting parties at a meeting of the CSCE Minsk Group in Vienna.
November 9
Telephone negotiations between RF MFA head Kozyrev, Aliyev, Ter-Petrossian,
and Kocharian takes place. An agreement is reached that the Russian
Mediation Mission should visit the region.
November 11
The UN SC passes its fourth resolution, 884, on Nagorno Karabakh.
November 17-18
A meeting between Vazgen I, the Catholicos of All Armenians, and Allakhshukur
Pashazadeh, the Head of the Ecclesiastic Administration of the Caucasus
Muslims, convenes in Moscow with the assistance of the Russian Orthodox
December 1
The Azerbaijani delegation rejects the final version of the "Urgent
Measures Schedule" approved by the CSCE Minsk Group and leaves
the conference hall in protest.
December 21-22
A seminar in which the parliamentary delegations of Azerbaijan, Nagorno
Karabakh, and Armenia takes place on the Aland Islands in Finland. The
meeting is organized by the initiative of the Russian MFA, CIS Inter-parliamentary
Assembly, and Aland Institute of Peace.
December 16
Azerbaijan violates the cease-fire terms and launches a large-scale
offensive against NKR along the entire front line.
January 20
The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs calls a meeting of RF Foreign
Minister with the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
The Russians' present documents on conflict settlement.
January 27
Russia proposes a three-week cease-fire beginning on February 1, 1994.
January 28-31
The Russian Mediation Mission visits Yerevan, Stepanakert, and Baku.
February 4
The newly appointed Chairman of the CSCE Minsk Conference, Swedish diplomat
Jan Eliasson, takes part in a CSCE Minsk Group meeting.
February 18
Negotiations between the Defense Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan,
and the representative from the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army, are organized
in Moscow through Russian Defense Ministry arbitration. A military-technical
protocol is signed.
March 6-8
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense of the Russian Federation,
Kozyrev and Grachev, send messages to the leaders of the conflicting
March 19-25
Negotiations between the expert groups of the conflicting parties on
the Russian drafted political agreement are held in Moscow. The representative
of the CSCE Minsk Group Presidium participates in the meeting.
March 29
The NKR Supreme Soviet Presidium adopts a resolution on the cooperation
between the Parliaments of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
March 31 - April 3
The CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly peacemaking task force visits Azerbaijan,
Armenia, and Nagorno Karabakh.
April 14-15
Negotiations under the CSCE Minsk Group auspices begin in Prague.
April 15
The CIS Summit is organized and a statement regarding the Nagorno Karabakh
is issued.
May 4-5
A meeting between the heads of Parliaments from Azerbaijan, Nagorno
Karabakh, and Armenia takes place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan under the CIS
Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (IPA). Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh sign
the "Bishkek Protocol." Azerbaijan later signs the protocol
on May 8,1994. The "Bishkek Protocol" becomes the basis for
a cease-fire agreement in the conflict zone.
May 8
A meeting between the spokesmen of Parliaments of Azerbaijan, Nagorno
Karabakh, and Armenia is scheduled. The CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
(IPA) Chairman participates in the discussions as well.
May 9-11
The Russian mediation team draws up a comprehensive cease-fire agreement.
The defense authorities of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nagorno Karabakh
sign the document. The agreement became effective on May 12, 1994.
May 12-15
A joint visit by the Russian Mediation Mission head and Chairman of
the CSCE Minsk Conference to Baku, Yerevan, and Stepanakert is scheduled
in which an agreement on maintaining the cease-fire terms and a long-term
political settlement are discussed.
May 16-17
A meeting of the defense authorities of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nagorno
Karabakh under the mediation of the Ministries of Defense and Foreign
Affairs of Russia finalizes the "Agreement on the Order of Implementation
of the February 18, 1994 Protocol". The Azerbaijani Defense Minister
postpones signing the document.
May 19
The CSCE Permanent Committee issues a statement supporting strengthening
the cease-fire conditions.
June 14-18
The CSCE Minsk Conference Chairman Jan Eliasson visits the region, including
Nagorno Karabakh.
June 28 - July 5
The Nagorno Karabakh parliamentary delegation, headed by acting Chairman
of the NKR Supreme Soviet Karen Baburian, visits Strasbourg on the invitation
of the Secretary - General of the Council of Europe to participate in
the CE Commission work on relations with non-member-states.
July 4
The NKR Supreme Council adopts a resolution establishing inter-parliamentary
relations between NKR and Russia.
July 7
The NKR delegation participates in the CSCE Minsk Group session in Vienna
and rejects the proposal on deployment of Turkish troops as a part of
the international peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone.
July 14-22
NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arkady Ghoukassian, visits Germany.
The NKR Foreign Minister holds meetings with Director of the German
MFA Department on Europe, Ernest-Jorg fon Studnitz, and representatives
from Armenian community of this country.
July 20-23
A draft agreement on the conflicting parties' confirmation of their
commitments to maintain the cease-fire terms is prepared with the help
of the Russian Mediation Team.
July 22-28
NKR Foreign Minister conducts meetings with the Director of the French
MFA Department on Europe and with French representative from the CSCE
Minsk Group.
July 27
The parties involved confirm their commitment to maintain the cease-fire
agreements until a political solution to the problem is found.
August 5-13
Negotiations of the proposed Russian political agreement are held in
Moscow between the leadership of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nagorno Karabakh.
The CIS Executive Secretariat representatives the CSCE Minsk Group Presidium
also participate.
August 11
Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nagorno Karabakh hold negotiations in Moscow
and achieve an agreement on the mutual release of women and children
detained by the conflicting parties.
August 23-30
Jan Eliasson visits the region, including Nagorno Karabakh.
September 1-7
The negotiations on the proposed Russian draft continue in Moscow. Representatives
of the CIS Executive Secretariat, CIS Inter-parliamentary Assembly,
and CSCE Minsk Group observe the negotiations.
September 8-9
Bilateral and multilateral meetings between the top leaders of the parties,
Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia and Chairman of the NKR State Defense
Committee, with the participation of the Russian Foreign Minister and
head of the Russian Mediation Mission, take place in Moscow. Key issues
on a political settlement are discussed at the meeting.
September 14-16
A Resolution on Nagorno Karabakh, envisaging the possibility of creating
CSCE multinational peacekeeping forces is adopted at the 28th session
of the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) in Prague.
September 15
The finalization of the agreement on the mutual release of women and
children detained is completed.
October 17
The CSCE Mission mediates the implementation of the agreement of the
mutual release of prisoners of war and hostages.
November 11-15
Chairman of the CSCE Minsk Group visits the conflict region, including
Nagorno Karabakh.
November 11-14
Negotiations on the Russian political agreement draft continue in Moscow
between the leaderships of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nagorno Karabakh.
November 23
The NKR Supreme Soviet adopts the Resolution "On the NKR National
December 5-6
The Conference for the Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) is
reorganized into the Organization for the Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE). A resolution on the consolidation of mediation efforts
of Russia and the OSCE, and introduction of an institution of Co-Chairmanship
of the OSCE Minsk Group was adopted at the summit. Russia and Sweden
are appointed as Co-Chairs. The Summit participants welcomed the implementation
of the May 12, 1994 cease-fire agreement by the conflicting and expressed
readiness to deploy the OSCE multinational peacekeeping forces after
achieving an agreement on the armed conflict settlement. A resolution
on creating the High-Level Planning Group (HLPG) of the OSCE is also
December 22
The NKR Parliament institutes a position of Presidency of the Republic
and elects Robert Kocharian, the first President of the state.
December 23
The NKR Supreme Council adopts the "On the NKR National Anthem"
January 14
Newly elected NKR Prime Minister, Leonard Petrossian, meets with the
representatives from the European Union who visit Nagorno Karabakh on
a humanitarian mission.
February 6
By the OSCE Minsk Conference Co-Chairs initiative, an agreement is drawn
up between the Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh, and Armenia on the mechanism
of possible settlement with the aim of strengthening the cease-fire
February 6-11
Negotiations between Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia, under
the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Conference Co-Chairs, are held in Moscow.
February 28
The Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Conference and Minsk Group pay a visit
to NKR.
March 5-6
A meeting of the NKR leadership with the OSCE Minsk Group U.S. representative,
Joseph Pressel, occurs in Stepanakert.
April 11
Parliamentary hearings in the RF State Duma on the situation in Nagorno
Karabakh are organized in Moscow. The NKR delegation, headed by NKR
President Kocharian, participates in the hearings. NKR Minister of Foreign
Affairs submits a special report.
April 30
Special elections of the NKR People's Deputies are held. The elections
are organized by the majority system. The Parliament, headed by newly
elected Chairman Karen Baburian, consists of thirty-three representatives.
May 9
50th anniversary celebrations of the victory in the World War II and
the 3rd anniversary of the liberation of Shoushi commence with a parade
composed of the NKR Armed Forces in Revival Square in Stepanakert.
May 25
The OSCE Minsk Conference Co-Chairmen visits Nagorno Karabakh.
June 15-21
Negotiations between the conflicting parties convene in Helsinki under
the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmen.
July 14-15
The OSCE delegation headed by the newly appointed Co-Chairman of the
OSCE Minsk Conference from Finland and Russia visit Stepanakert.
August 28
The NKR leadership meets in Stepanakert with special USA representative
OSCE Minsk Group, Joseph Pressel.
September 4-5
Personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Deputy State
Secretary of Hungary, Ambassador Andre Yerdish, make a visit to NKR.
September 4-12
Negotiations continue between the conflicting parties under the auspices
of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen.
September 28
NKR President Kocharian meets with the OSCE Mission.
October 9-17
Negotiations between the conflicting parties are held in Finland under
the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen.
November 6-December 2
Negotiations continue between the conflicting parties in both Moscow
and Bonn under the continued guidance from OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen.
January 9-15
RF Foreign Minister, Y.Primakov, receives delegations from the conflicting
January 24
The NKR leadership meets in Stepanakert with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairman,
January 26 - February 3
NKR President Kocharian and Minster of Foreign Affairs visit the United
States. On February 3, President Robert Kocharian holds a press conference
at the UN. Numerous meetings with the United States Senators and Congressmen,
as well as with representatives from the Armenian community are scheduled.
March 12
NKR Parliament Chairman Karen Baburian retires. Arthur Tovmasian is
elected the next Chairman of the NKR Parliament.
March 17
The NKR leadership meets with the Russian Co-Chairman of the OSCE Minsk
Group, V.Kazimirov.
March 19
The NKR Parliament is renamed the NKR National Assembly.
March 24
The telethon ranging from Stepanakert to Yerevan to Los Angeles commences
with the hopes of fund raising enough money to start construction of
the Goris - Stepanakert highway. "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund
organizes the telethon.
April 9
The NKR leadership meets in Stepanakert with the Russian Co-Chairman
of the OSCE Minsk Group, V.Kazimirov.
April 27
The NKR National Assembly passes NKR highest military rank "Hero
of Artsakh" and the introduction of the "Golden Eagle"
decoration into law.
May 8-9
Russian Foreign Minister Mr. Primakov visits Stepanakert. The release
of prisoners of war and other hostages is realized within his visit.
May 12
NKR President Kocharian appeals to the international community to recognize
the independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
May 20-29
President Kocharian and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ghoukassian travel
to Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. Meetings with Brazilian President
F.Cardozo, Vice-President of Uruguay U.Bataj, and Speaker of Argentinean
Senate, E.Menem, as well as representatives of the Armenian communities
these Latin American countries are organized.
June 7-10
NKR National Assembly Chairman, Arthur Tovmasian, participates in the
third Congress of the European Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodox
states held in Sofia.
June 14-18
Negotiations between the conflicting parties take place in Moscow under
the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen.
September 13-15
The U.S. and German representatives of the OSCE Minsk Group visit Stepanakert.
October 2
The OSCE High Level Planning Group visits Nagorno Karabakh.
October 4
The OSCE Minsk Group Mission travels to Nagorno Karabakh.
October 18-30
Negotiations between the conflicting parties are held in Helsinki and
November 24
The first nation-wide elections for President of Nagorno Karabakh are
held. Robert Kocharian is re-elected the NKR President.
December 2-3
The OSCE Summit convenes in Lisbon. Azerbaijan attempts to veto the
summit's final document because it fears that it would not include the
settlement proposal from the Azerbaijani government. Armenia then vetoes
Azerbaijan's article on settlement principles. As a compromise, the
OSCE Chairman-in-Office makes an oral statement on the necessity of
the conflict settlement based on the principles proposed by Azerbaijan.
However, the statement of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office is not included
in the Summit's final document, thus it had no binding force. The principles
voiced by the OSCE Chairman-in-Office become known as the "Lisbon
Principles." As a result of the Lisbon Summit, the negotiations
on the Karabakh settlement between the conflicting parties are stopped.
After the Lisbon Summit, a triple Co-Chairmanship of the OSCE Minsk
Conference is introduced. Russia, France and the USA became Co-Chairs.
December 27
The NKR President and the newly appointed Russian Co-Chairman of the
OSCE Minsk Group, Yuri Yukalov, meet and discuss conflict resolutions.
March 17-18
The first joint meeting of the three OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen convenes
in Paris.
March 20
President of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrossian, appoints NKR President Robert
Kocharian Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia. NKR Prime Minister
Leonard Petrossian becomes the acting President of NKR until special
presidential elections can be organized.
April 1-4
Negotiations between the conflicting parties take place in Moscow and
become the last of this format after the OSCE Lisbon Summit.
May 31
The NKR leadership and the delegation from the OSCE Minsk Conference
and Minsk Group assemble in Stepanakert. The OSCE Mission proposes a
new plan for the resolution of the conflict, which is later accepted
by Armenia and Azerbaijan, but is rejected by Nagorno Karabakh.
June 23-29
NKR National Assembly Chairman, Arthur Tovmasian, goes to Greece to
participate in a symposium on regional integration in the South Caucasus
(Athens, June 23-25) and in the 4th Conference of the European Inter-Parliamentary
Assembly of Orthodox states (Saloniki, June 25-29)
July 18
NKR National Assembly Secretary, Emma Gabrielian, attends the Forum
of the All-Armenian International Association of Women in Paris.
August 21
German representative for the OSCE Minsk Group visits Stepanakert, and
schedules meetings with NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs.
September 1
Special elections for the NKR Presidency are held. NKR Foreign Minister
Arkady Ghoukassian is elected President of NKR.
September 22
The OSCE Mission proposes a new step-by-step plan for settlement of
the conflict. This plan is later accepted by Armenia and Azerbaijan
but rejected by Nagorno Karabakh.
October 17
The NKR Representation Office opens in Washington, DC.
October 17
The leadership of the OSCE High Level Planning Group travels to Nagorno
November 7-8
The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen visit the conflict region, including
Nagorno Karabakh.
December 2
NKR National Assembly Chairman Arthur Tovmasian resigns and Oleg Yessayan
is appointed Head of the NKR Parliament.
February 3
Armenia's President, Levon Ter-Petrossian, resigns due to the protests
from the Armenian people about Ter-Petrossian's acceptance of the conflict
resolution plan, which did not take into account the interests of Nagorno
February 19 - March 2
NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs, Naira Melkoumian, visits the United
States with an invitation from the Armenian National Committee of America.
Meetings with the US State Department, Congress, Armenian communities,
local clergy, and media outlets are scheduled.
February 20
National celebrations for the 10th anniversary of the national-liberation
movement of the Armenian people of Nagorno Karabakh are commemorated.
March 30
Special presidential elections are organized in Armenia, and RA Prime
Minister Robert Kocharian is elected the second President of the Republic
of Armenia.
April 22
The NKR National Assembly passes a resolution condemning the Armenian
Genocide of 1915-1923 in Ottoman Turkey.
May 9
A protocol on consultations and cooperation between the RA and NKR Ministries
of Foreign Affairs is signed in Shoushi.
May 14-15
The delegation of the RA National Assembly, headed by its Chairman Khosrov
Haroutiunian, visits Stepanakert. Khosrov Haroutiunian holds meetings
with NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian, NKR National Assembly Chairman
Oleg Yessayan, and members of the NKR National Assembly Presidium. The
cooperation between the Parliaments of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh
is agreed upon.
June 17-18
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Armenia
and Azerbaijan travel to Nagorno Karabakh.
July 17
The NKR National Assembly passes a resolution creating a Committee on
Inter-parliamentary Cooperation between the National Assemblies of Armenia
and Nagorno Karabakh.
July 19
St. Savior Church "Khazanchetsots) is opened after restoration
of the XIX century church is completed in Shoushi.
September 7
The first session of the Commission on Inter-parliamentary Cooperation
between the National Assemblies of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh is held
in Yerevan.
September 27
Elections for local self-government bodies are set in NKR.
November 11
The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen proposes a new plan for the comprehensive
settlement on the basis of the "common state" concept. These
proposals re accepted by Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh as a basis for
resumption of the negotiation process, but are rejected by Azerbaijan.
November 12-20
NKR National Assembly Chairman Oleg Yessayan participates in the scientific
symposium "The Caucasus Without War" in Sochi.
November 24
NKR President Ghoukassian meets with the Bronislav Heremek, OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
in Yerevan.
December 16
The NKR delegation headed by President Ghoukassian is invited to Paris
by the PACE Committee on Political Issues. Meetings of the NKR delegation
members with Director of the French MFA Department on European Issues,
Mr. Chassare, French Co-Chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Mr. Vogier,
and Deputies of the French Parliament are held.
February 4
The Secretary-General of the Interchurch Peace Council of Calvinist
Churches, the President of the Helsinki Civil Assembly (HCA), and representatives
from non-governmental organizations in Armenia and NKR participate in
an international seminar in Stepanakert.
February 21
NKR Foreign Minister, Naira Melkoumian, hosts a conference with Rune
Osheym and Knut Hauge, representatives from the Norwegian MFA.
February 27 - March 15
President Ghoukassian visits the United States and assembles with UN
representatives, Senate and Congressional members, the State Department,
and Armenian community members. President Ghoukassian speaks at the
Los-Angeles Council of International Affairs and at George Washington
University and holds a press conference in the UN.
March 11
The European Parliament passes a resolution on Nagorno Karabakh that
legitimizes the declaration of an independent NKR on the basis of former
USSR legislation.
April 29 - May 2
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Naira Melkoumian, participates in a
conference titled "1999 - Armenians on the Threshold of the Century."
The European Parliament and Forum of Armenian Unions of Europe sponsor
the conference.
May 3-5
German representatives from the OSCE Minsk Group visit NKR.
June 30
NKR President Ghoukassian issues a decree appointing Anushavan Danielian
as the new NKR Prime Minister.
July 7
A delegation from the U.S. Jewish Committee journeys to NKR. The delegation
members confer with President Ghoukassian.
September 16
President Ghoukassian and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Naira Melkoumian,
gather with Knut Vollebaek, OSCE Chairman-in-Office, in Yerevan.
September 22-23
The "Armenia-Diaspora" All-Armenian Forum occurs in Yerevan.
An NKR official delegation, led by President A.Ghoukassian participates
in the forum.
September 29
NKR President Ghoukassian issues a decree appointing permanent NKR representatives
in the United States, Australia, and Middle East countries.
November 12
November 12 marks the official opening of Goris-Stepanakert highway.
November 18-19
The OSCE Summit is held in Istanbul. Participants welcome the intensification
of dialogue between Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents and express
hope for the resumption of negotiations between the two parties.
November 19-26
The NKR delegation travels to the United States to participate in a
telethon to raise funds for the construction of a "North-South"
highway in NKR. The "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund organizes
the telethon. During the visit, President Ghoukassian meets with U.S.
Senators, Congressmen, representatives from Armenian businesses and
political organizations, as well as the U.S. Armenian community.
November 28
NKR President Ghoukassian meets in Paris with Head of the French MFA
Department on Europe, Juerg Pernet, and newly appointed French Co-Chairman
in the OSCE Minsk Group, Jean-Jacques Gaillarde.
December 12-13
The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen visits Stepanakert.
February 7
President Ghoukassian assembles with a representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
Andrzej Kasprzyk, and a representative of the Chairman of the OSCE Permanent
Council on the Minsk Conference Issues.
February 12-21
NRK Prime Minister Danielian goes to Italy, Switzerland, and Hungary,
where he presents a new governmental program on social-economic development
in NKR.
February 28
President Ghoukassian meets with former Great Britain Ambassador to
Armenia, David Miller, Executive Director of the London Information
Net on Conflicts and State-Building (LINCS), Dennis Samut, LINCS Director
Richard Samuel, and BBC correspondent Thomas Di Vaal.
March 22
President Ghoukassian and his two bodyguards are heavily wounded after
an attempted assassination. As a result, former NKR Defense Minister
Samvel Babayan is detained on suspicion of plotting the assassination
May 15-22
NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs visits France and the United States.
Melkoumian speaks at the French Institute of International Relations,
the Washington School of Law at American University, and the Center
of Strategic and International Researches in Washington, D.C. She also
meets with representatives from the U.S. State Department and Congress.
May - June
The President of Armenia, National Assembly Chairman, Prime Minister,
and Deputies of the National Assembly and Government hold conferences
with the heads of political and public organizations of Armenia, Ambassadors
from Russia, USA, France, and Iran. The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen
pay their respects to President Ghoukassian who is recovering in a Yerevan
June 12-14
NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs is invited to Vienna to discuss conflict
resolution with OSCE Permanent Council Chairperson Juta Stefan-Bastle.
June 17
President Ghoukassian holds telephone negotiations with OSCE Chairperson-in-Office
who is traveling in Armenia. On the same day, Mrs. Ferrero-Waidner meets
with the NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs in Yerevan.
June 18
The elections to the thirty-three seat National Assembly are organized.
July 5
The first session of the newly elected Parliament begins. Oleg Yessayan
is re-elected Chairman of the NKR National Assembly.
August 14
President Ghoukassian receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia,
Vardan Oskanian, and Deputy Foreign Minister, Tatoul Margarian.
September 3
Prime Minister of Armenia, Andranik Margarian, pays an official visit
to Stepanakert. A protocol on the cooperation between the governments
of the two Armenian Republics is signed.
September 6-8
The Millennium Summit convenes in New York. President Kocharian speaks
at the Summit and appeals to the Heads of States to recognize the Armenian
Genocide that occurred in Ottoman Turkey at the beginning of the 20th
September 18
A trial begins for the attempted assassination of President Ghoukassian
at the NKR Supreme Court.
September 25
Garegin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, visits NKR. The Supreme Patriarch
and confers with the President Ghoukassian.
October 25 - November 4
NKR National Assembly Chairman Oleg Yessayan travels to the USA to help
prepare for another telethon for social-economic development of the
NKR. The "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund organizes the telethon.
November 9
The parliamentary delegation of Armenia, headed by RA National Assembly
Chairman Armen Khachatrian, pay an official visit to NKR.
November 20-22
A conference for the heads of Foreign Offices of the Republic of Abkhazia,
the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, the Cisdniestrian Moldavian Republic,
and the Republic of South Ossetia, is organized in Tiraspol.
November 23
The fund-raising telethon for social-economic development in the NKR
begins in the USA. NKR officials take part in the telethon. 
February 2
The NKR official delegation and Prime Minister Danielian go to Paris
for a one-week working visit.
February 26
The trial for assassination attempt of NKR President Ghoukassian ends.
Ex-minister of Defense, Samvel Babayan, and some of his closest circle
are sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.
March 9
NKR Prime Minister Danielian attended the International Forum of Investors
and Businessmen by invitation from Swiss businesses.
May 10-17
The NKR delegation meet with the Senate and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
in France. The delegation discusses issues with representatives from
the Armenian community of France.
May 19
The delegation of the OSCE Minsk Group, headed by its Co-Chairmen Carey
Cavanaugh (the USA), Nikolai Gribkov (Russia) and Philippe de Suremain
(France), visits NKR. For the first time in the history of the conflict,
the Co-Chairmen cross by foot the front-line of the armed forces.
July 2-4
A meeting of the Heads of Foreign Offices of the Republic of Abkhazia,
the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, the Cisdniestrian Moldavian Republic,
and the Republic of South Ossetia, is held in Stepanakert.
September 5
Elections to local bodies of self-government are held in NKR.
October 2-12
The NKR official delegation, headed by National Assembly Chairman Oleg
Yessayan, travel to Canada to participate in events dedicated to the
10th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia.
October 23-27
NKR President Ghoukassian meets with the leaders of the RF State Duma
factions and deputy groups, political and public figures, and representatives
from the Armenian community of the Russian Federation.
November 5
The OSCE delegations comprising the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen, as
well as First Deputy Minster of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Vyacheslav
Trubnikov, hold discussions in NKR.
December 8
A regular joint session of the Commission on Inter-parliamentary Cooperation
between the National Assemblies of Armenia and NKR convenes in Yerevan.
February 19
President Arkady Ghoukassian meets the delegation of the "International
Working Group on Search for Missing Persons, Hostages and Prisoners
of War," headed by co-chairman Bernhard Klazen.
February 22
President Arkady Ghoukassian and Paul Grove, the Senior Clerk of U.S.
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hold discussions.
March 5
President Ghoukassian and NKR Foreign Minister Naira Melkoumian gather
in Yerevan with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs
of Portugal, and other members from the OSCE delegation.
March 10
President Ghoukassian receives Co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group on
Nagorno Karabakh as well as First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Russian Federation who are all paying a short visit to Nagorno
March 15
President Ghoukassian hosts Shane Pritchard, manager of the program
on Mine-clearance and Neutralization of Unexploded shells in the NKR
territory. The program is supported by the HALO Trust, a British humanitarian
non-governmental organization functioning in Nagorno Karabakh since
March 21-28
The NKR Minister of Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports, Armen Sargssian,
accompanies the President to France to conduct meetings with high-ranking
diplomats of the French Foreign Office, officials of the International
Federation of Human Rights Protection, and representatives from the
French-Armenian community.
March 30
The NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs meets with David Merkel, the U.S.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senior Minority Clerk, at the NKR
Permanent Representation Office in Yerevan
April 3
President Ghoukassian convenes discussion with the Minister of Economy,
Employment and Foreign Affairs of the Government of Geneva.
April 4-7
The NKR Foreign Minister visits France and meets with the French Co-Chairman
of the OSCE Minsk Group, Philip de Suremain. Melkoumian also convenes
with the leadership of the Coordination Council of the Armenian Organizations
in France.
April 10
President Arkady Ghoukassian and Klaus Hieken, the Head of Foreign Department
of the Bavarian Red Cross discuss aid to the region.
May 3
An international conference titled "Impact of September 11 Events
on the Activities of the NGOs of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh"
is scheduled in Stepanakert.
May 24
NRK Prime Minister meets with AGBU (France) President Levon Kebabjian,
and the French Senate Advisor, well-known writer François Toile.
May 26
NKR President Ghoukassian and the new Executive Director of the Armenian
Assembly of America, John Jamian, hold conferences with the Chairman
of the Board of Directors, Peter Vospikian.
May 27
NKR President Ghoukassian addresses the second "Armenia-Diaspora"
All-Armenian Forum in Yerevan.
June 10-16
NKR Foreign Minister sets up meetings with representatives from the
U.S. Senate, Congress, and public organizations, as well as with the
U.S. Co-Chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group.
July 23
A conference entitled: "Nagorno Karabakh Women for Peace and a
Peaceful Co-existence" gathers in Stepanakert. The conference is
sponsored by "Democracy Today" an organization in Armenia,
and with the assistance of the NKR Foreign Ministry.
August 1
Nagorno Karabakh Republic President Ghoukassian meets with the Director
of the Institute of CIS countries, Konstantin Zatulin.
August 6
The NKR authorities sign a new agreement with the International Committee
of the Red Cross (ICRC) giving the organization access to all places
of imprisonment.
August 11
Regular presidential elections are held in the NKR. Arkady Ghoukassian
is reelected the NKR President.
September 9
NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian signs a decree appointing Danielianto
the NKR Prime Minister.
September 23
Armenian President Robert Kocharian receives NKR President Ghoukassian,
Chairman of the National Assembly Oleg Yessayan, and Prime Minister
Anoushavan Danielian.
September 26
NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian receives the First Deputy Foreign Minister
of the Russian Federation, as well as the Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk
Group on Nagorno Karabakh.
October 8
President Arkady Ghoukassian hosts a delegation from the Armenian Assembly
of America (AAA), headed by Vice-President of the Board of Directors,
Mrs. Anny Totah.
October 9
President Arkady Ghoukassian issues a decree establishing the composition
of the NKR Government.
October 10
President Ghoukassian receives the President of the All-Russian public
organization "Union of the Armenians of Russia," a group of
deputies and experts from the Russian State Duma. Celebrations for the
"Days of the Union of Armenians of Russia in Armenia and Artsakh"
are prepared.
October 10
NKR National Assembly Chairman Oleg Yessayan participates in the events
dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the "Hayastan"
All-Armenian Fund.
October 11
By a decree from the NKR President, Ashot Ghoulian is appointed Minister
of Foreign Affairs.
October 24
Forty-six U.S. Congressmen send a letter to Nagorno Karabakh Republic
President Ghoukassian, congratulating him on his presidential victory.
The letter states that the elections underscore the de-facto independence
of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. "Observers from Italy, Russia,
France, United Kingdom and the United States unanimously reported that
the election process operated according to democratic norms. None found
any voting irregularities, fraud, or voter harassment. This kind of
careful organization and serious commitment to democratic values is
most encouraging and stands as a fine example to other former Soviet
republics," the Congressmen stated.
November 2
A delegation of the British parliamentarians consisting of the Vice-Speaker
of the British House of Lords, Baroness Caroline Cox, Lord Shannon,
members of the House of Commons Robert Wareing, Jane Griffiths, and
the Secretary of the British-Armenian Parliamentary group, Odette Bazil
visit Nagorno Karabakh and hold a number of meetings with the NKR leadership.
November 14-17
President Ghoukassian participates in a fundraising phone-a-thon for
the construction of a strategically important "North-South"
November 14
President Ghoukassian meets with the Vice-Chairman of the French Parliament,
the new-elected leader of the French-Armenian friendship group, and
the Mayor of the town of Issy-les-Moulineaux.
November 16
President Ghoukassian meets with the Director of the French MFA's Department
of the Continental Europe countries and the newly appointed French Co-Chairman
of the OSCE Minsk Group.
November 18-30
President Ghoukassian leads a delegation to America to participate in
a telethon to raise funds for the construction of the NKR of the "North-South"
highway. During the visit, he meets with representatives of political,
business, public, and religious circles of the Armenian Community in
the United States of America.
November 28
Foreign Minister Ashot Ghoulian addresses a conference of diplomatic
missions heads accredited abroad.
January 7
Co-Chairman of the U.S. Congress Armenian Caucus, Frank Pallone, sends
a letter to the President of Azerbaijan where he calls upon the latter
to condemn the hysteria created by the Azeri mass media against Armenia
and Nagorno Karabakh.
January 29
NKR Foreign Minister meets in Yerevan with his Armenian counterpart,
January 31 - February 1
NKR National Assembly Chairman Oleg Yessayan heads a delegation to attend
the international conference: "Pro-Armenia: Armenia in the 21st
February 14
Frank Pallone and Joe Knollenberg, Co-Chairmen of the US Congress Armenian
Caucus, address a message to NKR President Ghoukassian congratulating
him on the 15th anniversary of the Karabakh movement.
February 20
Baroness Caroline Cox, the Vice-Speaker of the House of Lords of the
British Parliament, and Robert Wareing, member of the House of Commons
send a letter of congratulation to the NKR President and people on the
15th anniversary of the commencement of the Karabakh movement.
March 24
President Ghoukassian meets with the Personal Representative of the
OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Andrzej Kasprzyk.
June 16-18
The NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs Ashot Ghoulian visits France and
assembles with Senator Bernard Piras, the French Co-Chairman of the
OSCE Minsk Group, Henry Jaqolen, mayors of French towns and Armenian
community members. 