Documents on NK Conflict Adopted by European Organizations
and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
- CSCE (now OSCE), First Additional
Meeting of the Council, Helsinki, March 1992
- The Bishkek Protocol, May
5, 1994
- CSCE, Budapest Summit, December
5-6, 1994
- OSCE, 1-SC/Journal No. 2, March
31, 1995, Chairman's Summary
- European Parliament, June
21, 1999
- Council of Europe, February
8, 2002
CSCE, First Additional Meeting
of the Council
Helsinki, March 1992
1. The Council of the CSCE held its First Additional
Meeting in Helsinki on 24 March 1992.
2. The Ministers welcomed Croatia, Georgia and Slovenia
as participating States, following receipt of letters accepting CSCE
commitments and responsibilities from each of them (Annexes 1-3). The
Ministers do not consider that the admission of Croatia and Slovenia
affects in any way the Conference on Yugoslavia nor prejudges the results
of this Conference. The Ministers support the efforts of the Brussels
Conference on Yugoslavia in search of an overall political settlement
of the Yugoslav crisis.
3. The Ministers expressed their deep concern about
the continuing escalation of the armed conflict in and around Nagorno-Karabakh
and the resulting increased suffering and loss of life of the inhabitants.
They held an extensive discussion of ways and means to end the conflict,
bearing in mind the implications for regional and international security
which could result from its continuation and further extension. They
called upon all parties to exercise restraint.
4. The Ministers reiterated in the strongest terms
the call for an immediate and effective cease-fire including an active
commitment by responsible local commanders to its implementation. They
issued an appeal for the re-establishment of conditions for confidence
and constructive dialogue, including the cessation of measures of economic
and political constraint.
5. The Ministers reviewed the ongoing action within
the CSCE framework and endorsed in their entirety the decisions taken
by the Committee of Senior Officials. They expressed their appreciation
for the activities of the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE undertaken
in this connection and stressed their willingness to extend all possible
assistance to him whenever it is needed.
6. The Ministers welcomed the complementary efforts
made by the European Community and its member States, by the member
States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, by the members of
the North Atlantic Co-operation Council, and, in particular, the efforts
made by the United Nations Secretary-General.
They requested the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE
to keep in close contact with the United Nations in this respect and
to arrange for regular exchanges of information.
The Ministers agreed that the CSCE must play a major
role in promoting a peace process relating to the conflict. They agreed
that the situation in and around Nagorno-Karabakh requires further CSCE
7. The Ministers mandated the Chairman-in-Office of
the CSCE Council of Ministers, Mr. Jirí Dienstbier, to visit
the region shortly in order to contribute, in particular, to the establishment
and maintenance of an effective cease-fire as well as to the establishment
of a framework for an overall peaceful settlement.
8. The Ministers expressed their firm conviction that
a conference on Nagorno-Karabakh under the auspices of the CSCE would
provide an ongoing forum for negotiations towards a peaceful settlement
of the crisis on the basis of the principles, commitments and provisions
of the CSCE. The Ministers therefore requested the Chairman-in-Office
of the CSCE Council of Ministers to convene such a conference as soon
as possible.
9. The Ministers furthermore agreed that this Conference,
which will take place in Minsk, will have as participants Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, France, Germany, Italy,
Russian Federation, Sweden, Turkey and United States of America. Elected
and other representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh will be invited to the
Conference as interested parties by the Chairman of the Conference after
consultation with the States participating at the Conference. The Chairman-in-Office
of the CSCE Council will appoint the Chairman of the Conference on Nagorno-Karabakh
under the auspices of the CSCE.
10. The Ministers urged all CSCE participating States
and all concerned parties to take all necessary steps to ensure that
humanitarian assistance is provided to all those in need through rapid
and effective means including safe corridors under international control.
11. The Ministers noted the commitment of Armenia
and Azerbaijan to fully support the mission of the Chairman-in-Office
of the CSCE Council to the region as well as other actions on which
the CSCE Council has agreed and appeal to these two countries to pursue
actively this commitment to reach a lasting, peaceful solution.
12. The Ministers agreed that the Stockholm Council
Meeting will be held on 14-15 December 1992.
The Bishkek Protocol
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, May 5, 1994
Participants of the meeting held in May 4-5 in Bishkek
on the initiative of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, Parliament
of Kyrgyz Republic, Federal Congress and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Russian Federation:
express determination to assist in all possible ways to the cessation
of armed conflict in and around Nagorno Karabakh, which does not only
cause irretrievable losses to Azerbaijani and Armenian people, but also
significantly affects the interests of other countries in the region
and seriously complicates the international situation;
supporting the April 15, 1994 Statement by the CIS Council of heads
of states, express readiness to fully support the efforts by heads and
representatives of executive power on cessation of the armed conflict
and liquidation of its consequences by reaching an appropriate agreement
as soon as possible;
advocate a naturally active role of the Commonwealth and Inter-Parliamentary
Assembly in cessation of the conflict, in realization of thereupon principles,
goals and the UN and OSCE certain decisions (first of all the UN Security
Council resolutions 822, 853, 874, 884);
call upon the conflicting sides to come to common senses: cease the
fire at the midnight of May 8 to 9, guided by the February 18, 1994
Protocol (including the part on allocating observers), and work intensively
to confirm this as soon as possible by signing a reliable, legally binding
agreement envisaging a mechanism, ensuring the non-resumption of military
and hostile activities, withdrawal of troops from occupied territories
and restoration of communication, return of refugees;
agree to suggest Parliaments of the CIS member-states to discuss the
initiative by Chairman of Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
V. Shumeyko and Head of the Assembly's Peacemaking Group on Nagorno
Karabakh M. Sherimkulov on creating a CIS peacemaking forces;
consider appropriate to continue such meetings for peaceful resolution
of the armed conflict;
express gratitude to the people and leadership of Kyrgyzstan for creating
excellent working conditions, cordiality and hospitality.
A. Jalilov
(signed by R. Guliyev, Chairman of the Azerbaijani Supreme Soviet)
K. Babourian
(Chairman of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Supreme Soviet)
B. Ararktsian
(Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Armenia)
V. Shumeyko
(Chairman of the Council of Federation of Russia)
M. Sherimkulov
(Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Kyrgyzstan)
V. Kazimirov
(Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation,
Head of the Russian Mediation Mission)
M. Krotov
(Head of the Secretariat of the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary
Assembly of member states)
CSCE, Budapest Summit
5-6 December 1994
Intensification of CSCE action in relation to
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
1. Deploring the continuation of the conflict and
the human tragedy involved, the participating States welcomed the confirmation
by the parties to the conflict of the cease-fire agreed on 12 May 1994
through the mediation of the Russian Federation in co-operation with
the CSCE Minsk Group. They confirmed their commitment to the relevant
resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and welcomed the
political support given by the Security Council to the CSCE's efforts
towards a peaceful settlement of the conflict. To this end they called
on the parties to the conflict to enter into intensified substantive
talks, including direct contacts. In this context, they pledged to redouble
the efforts and assistance by the CSCE. They strongly endorsed the mediation
efforts of the CSCE Minsk Group and expressed appreciation for the crucial
contribution of the Russian Federation and the efforts by other individual
members of the Minsk Group. They agreed to harmonize these into a single
co-ordinated effort within the framework of the CSCE.
2. To this end, they have directed the Chairman-in-Office,
in consultation with the participating States and acting as soon as
possible, to name co-chairmen of the Minsk Conference to ensure a common
and agreed basis for negotiations and to realize full co-ordination
in all mediation and negotiation activities. The co-chairmen, guided
in all of their negotiating efforts by CSCE principles and an agreed
mandate, will jointly chair meetings of the Minsk Group and jointly
report to the Chairman-in-Office. They will regularly brief the Permanent
Council on the progress of their work.
3. As a first step in this effort, they directed the
co-chairmen of the Minsk Conference to take immediate steps to promote,
with the support and co-operation of the Russian Federation and other
individual members of the Minsk Group, the continuation of the existing
cease-fire and, drawing upon the progress already achieved in
previous mediation activities, to conduct speedy negotiations for the
conclusion of a political agreement on the cessation of the armed conflict,
the implementation of which will eliminate major consequences of the
conflict for all parties and permit the convening of the Minsk Conference.
They further requested the co-chairmen of the Minsk Conference to continue
working with the parties towards further implementation of confidence-building
measures, particularly in the humanitarian field. They underlined the
need for participating States to take action, both individually and
within relevant international organizations, to provide humanitarian
assistance to the people of the region with special emphasis on alleviating
the plight of refugees.
4. They agreed that, in line with the view of the
parties to the conflict, the conclusion of the agreement mentioned above
would also make it possible to deploy multinational peacekeeping forces
as an essential element for the implementation of the agreement itself.
They declared their political will to provide, with an appropriate resolution
from the United Nations Security Council, a multinational CSCE peacekeeping
force following agreement among the parties for cessation of the armed
conflict. They requested the Chairman-in-Office to develop as soon as
possible a plan for the establishment, composition and operations of
such a force, organized on the basis of Chapter III of the Helsinki
Document 1992 and in a manner fully consistent with the Charter of the
United Nations. To this end the Chairman-in-Office will be assisted
by the co-chairmen of the Minsk Conference and by the Minsk Group, and
be supported by the Secretary General; after appropriate consultations
he will also establish a high-level planning group in Vienna to make
recommendations on, inter alia, the size and characteristics of the
force, command and control, logistics, allocation of units and resources,
rules of engagement and arrangements with contributing States. He will
seek the support of the United Nations on the basis of the stated United
Nations readiness to provide technical advice and expertise. He will
also seek continuing political support from the United Nations Security
Council for the possible deployment of a CSCE peacekeeping force.
5. On the basis of such preparatory work and the relevant
provisions of Chapter III of the Helsinki Document 1992, and following
agreement and a formal request by the parties to the Chairman-in-Office
through the co-chairmen of the Minsk Conference, the Permanent Council
will take a decision on the establishment of the CSCE peacekeeping operation.
OSCE, 1-SC/Journal No. 2
31 March 1995
Senior Council
The first meeting of the Senior Council was opened
by the Chairman-in-Office, Mr. László Kovács. (The
statement of the Chairman-in-Office was distributed as REF.SC/3/95/Rev.)
In his remarks on the situation in the OSCE area the Chairman-in-Office
noted that OSCE participating States continue to confront challenges
to OSCE principles, including the preservation of territorial integrity
and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
In the discussion that followed delegations discussed
these challenges as they apply in specific areas. Particular attention
was paid to the situation in Chechnya and Nagorno-Karabakh.
Delegations expressed their concern over continuing
warfare and widespread violation of human rights in Chechnya. There
was a shared sense of urgency for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire,
increased efforts aimed at a lasting negotiated political settlement,
and increased and unimpeded humanitarian assistance to all in need.
Such a settlement should be based on OSCE principles and with respect
for the constitution of the Russian Federation and Russia's territorial
integrity. Delegations welcomed the readiness of the Russian Federation
to agree to the establishment by mid-April of an OSCE Assistance Group,
enjoying all possible freedom of movement in the region, with the following
- promote respect for human rights;
- foster the development of democratic institutions;
- assist in the preparation of new constitutional
agreements and in
the holding of elections;
- facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid;
- promote dialogue and negotiations aimed at the establishment of
a lasting ceasefire and a political settlement of the crisis.
Delegations expressed their expectation that the Permanent
Council would take the necessary decision at its next meeting.
Delegations were concerned about the situation of
"neither war nor peace" in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and
underlined the importance of strengthening the ceasefire. Delegations
were disappointed by the lack of progress in negotiations on the conflict.
The Chairman-in-Office confirms previous OSCE decisions on the status
of the parties, i.e. the participation of the two State parties to the
conflict and of the other conflicting party (Nagorno-Karabakh) in the
whole negotiation process, including in the Minsk Conference. In addition,
interested parties may be invited to the Minsk Conference and its preparatory
work for consultations. Delegations urged the parties to re-engage in
political negotiation without preconditions and to agree without further
delay to an OSCE presence in the region.
Parties were strongly urged to respond to appeals
for the release of prisoners of war and hostages. Many delegations expressed
concern that the momentum generated by the Budapest decision would be
lost if this was not done immediately. Simultaneously, preparation for
a peacekeeping operation should be intensified to enable the OSCE to
take key decisions. The Chairman-in-Office called upon the participating
States to make concrete commitments of personnel and financial resources
and to ascertain the financing of the operation.
Delegations explored principles that should serve
as a basis for further discussion of a common and comprehensive security
model for Europe for the twenty-first century. There was broad agreement
that these include:
- the model should be based on OSCE's comprehensive
approach to security;
- it should reflect the OSCE's concept that security
is indivisible;
- it should contribute to our efforts to create a
common space of security,
stability and co-operation;
- all participating States should make an active
contribution to the study.
Many delegations raised other aspects of security
that they would like to see factored into this exercise, such as the
evolution of existing institutions, their complementarity, and the role
of NGOs and private individuals in this exercise. They had a wide-ranging
exchange of views on the different arrangements that can contribute
to European security.
Delegations mapped out a work programme for the coming
months. Early discussions in Vienna will concentrate on the underlying
principles of common security, the various challenges to security in
the OSCE area and the appropriate tools and approaches for addressing
them. Discussions in Vienna will be taken forward in an ad hoc group
meeting at least once a month. The Chairman-in-Office, assisted by the
Secretariat, will keep an inventory of contributions made by delegations,
including those made at the Senior Council, for future reference. This
inventory will be made available to participating States in advance
of the seminar in September 1995, prior to the Senior Council.
Participating States noted that the OSCE, while not
currently playing a major role in resolving the conflict in former Yugoslavia,
is fulfilling a useful and unique function. Its present, limited activities
should be laying the foundation for broad, future work in post-conflict
Within the OSCE area regional approaches were welcomed
and their further development was encouraged. One positive example in
this regard is the recently concluded Pact on Stability in Europe. Delegations
stressed the importance of OSCE's role as repository of the Pact.
One of OSCE's new tasks has become that of facilitating
the implementation of bilateral agreements. Delegations welcomed this
Stronger OSCE involvement was recommended to address
tensions stemming from unresolved constitutional issues between central
and local governments in certain regions. Solutions should be found
on the basis of respect for territorial integrity and all other OSCE
principles, bearing in mind that all OSCE principles are of primary
significance and must be equally and unreservedly applied, each of them
being interpreted taking into account the others.
Delegations stressed the importance of viewing OSCE
as a co-operative undertaking. Its tools and mechanisms can only be
helpful if they are seen as such.
Some delegations underlined the importance of continuing
work on issues relating to further institutional development of the
A number of delegations noted the importance of the
credibility of OSCE action and support for OSCE activities, and the
willingness of participating States to contribute resources. Participating
States were urged to ensure that their resource commitments allow the
OSCE to fulfil the role and functions set forth by Heads of State or
Government in Budapest. This is an issue to which the Senior Council
and officials in capitals must return.
It is the view of the Chairman that the many important
statements by high-level officials from OSCE participating States at
the first meeting of the OSCE Senior Council contributed to our security
dialogue. Of particular importance was the first substantive discussion
on the security model.
European Parliament
June 21, 1999
Official Journal off the European Communities, C 175/251
The European Parliament,
- having regard to its previous resolutions on the
Caucasus, in particular those of
18 June 1987(1), 18
January 1990(2), 21
January 1993(3) and 27
May 1993(4),
A. whereas the autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh
declared its independence following similar declarations by former Soviet
Socialist Republics after the collapse of the USSR in September 1991,
B. whereas the war has caused serious humanitarian
problems, in particular as a result of the displacement of more than
one million persons from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan,
C. whereas the cease-fire has generally been respected
since 1994,
D. whereas Armenia and Azerbaijan have both expressly
applied to join the Council of Europe,
E. whereas the strengthening of democracy and respect
for human rights are prerequisites for a peaceful solution to the conflict
in Nagorno-Karabakh,
F. whereas the presidential elections in Azerbaijan
in October 1998 were marked by irregularities and fraud which have been
condemned by international observers, and whereas irregularities were
also noted during the Armenian presidential elections in March 1998,
G. whereas so far the negotiations on a political
solution to the conflict involving Nagorno- Karabakh have not produced
a positive outcome,
H. whereas an approach which takes account of all
the problems and all the recent political developments in the region
is likely to produce a lasting peace,
I. whereas the three Presidents in the Minsk Group
representing Russia, the United States and France, who have been instructed
by the OSCE to draw up a plan for a lasting peace, have proposed a fair
basis for negotiations on a peaceful solution to the conflict,
1. Endorses the peace plan proposed by the Minsk Group;
2. Takes the view that these proposals constitute
a basis for discussion likely to end the negotiating deadlock;
3. Calls on the OSCE's Minsk Group to continue its
efforts to seek a lasting solution to this conflict;
4. Considers that a strong human rights component
should be a part of any verification or observer mission under the auspices
of the OSCE sent to Nagorno-Karabakh to ensure a lasting peace and to
provide early warning of incidents that could lead to a resumption in
the fighting;
5. Considers that aid provided by the European Union
to this region must be linked to tangible progress in the areas of human
rights and democracy in both countries;
6. Considers that the European Union should increase
its assistance under the Tacis-Democracy programme to non-governmental
organisations in Armenia and Azerbaijan interested in fostering discussion
and political education on issues relating to conflict resolution;
7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution
to the Council, the Commission, the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary
Assembly of the OSCE, the Presidents in the OSCE's Minsk Group, the
parliaments of Armenia and Azerbaijan and the representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh.
(1) OJ
C 190, 20.7.1987, p. 119.
(2) OJ C 38, 19.2.1990, p. 81.
(3) OJ C 42, 15.2.1993, p. 165.
(4) OJ C 176, 28.6.1993, p. 173.
High-Level Tripartite Meeting
between the UN, OSCE
and the Council of Europe
with the participation of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION,
Strasbourg, Council of Europe
8 February 2002
The annual high-level meeting of the tripartite partner
Organisations, the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security
and Co-operation in Europe and the United Nations, led by the United
Nations Office in Geneva, took place today in Strasbourg. As on previous
occasions, the European Commission, the International Committee of the
Red Cross and the International Organization for Migration also attended.
The aim of this inter-institutional consultation process
is to improve co-ordination and co-operation in areas of common concern,
and to exchange information on major developments in the partner Organisations.
Co-ordination of action in the fight against terrorism
in the aftermath of 11 September 2001 dominated the discussion. Participants
agreed that co-ordination should, if possible, be supplemented by joint
activities, taking into account the "comparative advantages"
of each Organisation, the importance of intercultural and inter-religious
dialogue, as well as the Dialogue of Civilisations. The purpose would
be to agree, in co-operation with the European Union, on a set of concrete
and realistic proposals involving, where appropriate, such Organisations
as the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and the Arab League.
Participants emphasised that the fight against terrorism
was a prime concern and voiced support for the resolute efforts of the
international community in this regard. They expressed their commitment
to helping prevent and combat terrorism by increasing co-operation in
the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms and strengthening
respect for the rule of law.
Participants also focused on South Eastern Europe.
They noted with satisfaction the recent Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly Recommendation to the Committee of Ministers to invite Bosnia
and Herzegovina to join the Organisation. They also welcomed a number
of positive developments in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, including
new reforms in the legal and political fields that would facilitate
the country's accession to the Council of Europe. Participants underlined
the importance they attached to a mutually satisfactory re-definition
of relations between Serbia and Montenegro. Welcoming last year's Assembly
elections in Kosovo, FRY, as an important contribution to stability
in the region, they expressed concern that, some two months after the
inaugural session of the Kosovo Assembly, there was renewed tension
and no President had yet been elected and no other institutions had
been established.
The meeting was highly appreciative of the preventive
action of the international community in the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia which had helped avoid a deeper crisis. Participants also
highlighted the need for further consolidation, particularly with regard
to implementation of the Framework Agreement. In this respect, they
welcomed the progress in the re-establishment of the Rule of Law in
the former crisis areas, with the assistance and monitoring of the international
community. They welcomed the adoption of the Law on Local Self-Government
and underlined the importance of adequate economic assistance to this
The participants discussed recent developments in
the Caucasus. They decided to increase their efforts in the region in
order to facilitate democratisation processes and to promote internationally
recognised principles and values. They also expressed their resolve
to promote regional co-operation among Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia,
and underlined that such co-operation would facilitate efforts to find
solutions to the so-called "frozen conflicts" in the region.
The participants expressed their concern about the
situation in the Chechen Republic, Russian Federation. They stressed
the need for a joint approach in order to facilitate the creation of
conditions conducive to the protection of human rights and fundamental
freedoms and the safe delivery of humanitarian assistance. They expressed
their support for the activities of the Council of Europe's Experts
in the Office of Mr Vladimir Kalamanov, for those of the OSCE Assistance
Group to Chechnya, as well as for those of the United Nations Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in implementing their
respective mandates.
Welcoming the joint Council of Europe/ European Commission
programme in support of Ukraine, participants stressed that they expected
further determined efforts of the Ukrainian Authorities to promote freedom
of the media and consolidation of the democratic and legal institutions
of the country, especially in the light of the forthcoming Parliamentary
With regard to the situation in Moldova, participants
expressed great concern about recent governmental moves directed against
the parliamentary opposition and the restriction of local self-government
as serious signs of democratic deficiency. They expressed their support
for the work of the mediators and for the continuing efforts to reach
an agreement on the status of the Transdniestrian region within the
Republic of Moldova.
While stressing that the continued isolation of Belarus
was seriously harming the Belarusian people, participants regretted
the lack of progress towards the strengthening of democratic institutions.
They noted that this was especially the case in the fields of functions
of Parliament and the freedom of media. They urged the Belarusian authorities
to proceed with democratic reforms. They also urged the authorities
to enable a rapid start of the work of the new Head of the OSCE Advisory
and Monitoring Group in Belarus, without preconditions.
Participants took note of a report on the Target-oriented
Meeting on Confidence Building Measures in South East Europe held at
expert level on 7 February 2002 in Strasbourg, with the Council of Europe
in the chair.
Modalities of co-operation on the ground, including
research and training of the members of field missions, were also examined
and the need for further promoting complementarity of action recognized
and encouraged.
The Delegation of the Council of Europe which hosted
these two meetings was headed by the Secretary General. It also included
the Chairman of the Ministers' Deputies, the Chairman of the Rapporteur
Group on Democratic Stability and the Rapporteur on the United Nations.
Besides the Under-Secretary-General of the UN, Director-General
of the UN Office at Geneva, the UN delegation included the High-Commissioner
for Human Rights, the Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees, representatives
of UNESCO of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
of the Economic Commission for Europe, and the Director for the Americas
and Europe Department for Political Affairs (UN New York).
The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in
Europe was represented by the Secretary General and high representatives
of the OSCE Portuguese Chairmanship. Its delegation also included the
Director of the Conflict Prevention Centre, as well as members of the
OSCE Missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Skopje.
It was agreed that the next High-level Tripartite
Meeting would be hosted by the United Nations Office at Geneva in early